Monday, 27 August 2018

Why Should I Join a UNION?

I. SENSE OF SECURITY -workers may join the unions because of their belief that it is an effective way to secure adequate protection from various types of hazards and income insecurity such as accident, injury, illness, unemployment, etc. The Trade union secure retirement benefits for the workers and compel the management to invest in welfare services for the benefit of the workers.
2 BETTERMENT OF RELATIONSHIPS workers joining unions is that workers feel that unions can fulfill the important need for adequate machinery for proper maintenance of employer-employee relations. Unions help in the betterment of industrial relations among management and workers by solving the problems peacefully.
3 UNION MEMBERS ENJOY HIGHER PAY, better sickness and pension benefits, more paid holiday and more control over things like shifts and working hours. This is because workers join together to negotiate pay and conditions rather than leaving them up to employers. This is through the collective bargaining agreement.
4 Ensure MEMBERS ARE TREATED WITH RESPECT - for example, opposing employers closing pension's schemes and stopping new workers being employed on worse terms and conditions.
5 YOUR UNION REPRESENTS YOU IN DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The union’s legal team ensures you are treated fairly -without you having to worry about paying. Every year, unions win
millions in compensation for members who suffer injuries or are treated unfairly at work.
SHOP STEWARDS/ CHAPTER REPRESENTATIVES. Companies where workers are involved in decisions, have better training opportunities, are fairly rewarded and can help companies survive bad times.